Josie Says...

Top 10 Tips for Presenting Online

In light of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, the events and hospitality world has been turned upside down with many events cancelling or postponing to a brighter time. Alongside this, a large number of events have taken the plunge into the virtual world, throwing conference organisers and presenters into a state of disarray. Here at KC Jones we have swiftly adapted our event management experience to include virtual and hybrid packages which we believe have allowed all our wonderful conferences, webinars and events to go ahead despite the lockdowns.

Presenting at conferences and events can be daunting to even the most experienced presenters and this has been heightened by the pandemic removing much of the face-to-face interaction that aids presenting live. Hosting a wide range of virtual events, we have put together our top 10 tips for presenting online which we hope helps prepare you for your virtual presentation.

1. Play to the Camera

When you are the one speaking, look directly into your computer's camera, or the webcam you are using. This makes the viewers feel as if you are looking right at them and helps to increase inclusivity. Powerful presenters understand the importance of making eye contact with their audience, so this means you have to simulate the same effect virtually.

2. Be Animated

Just like in a live presentation, you want to present with a little energy and animation. This is even more crucial in an online format, particularly during a conference presentation, as the audience may have been online for a number of hours and will need to be engaged with. 

3. Know the Technology

This is a performance, so make sure you know how to make it work. A dry run is essential so that you're comfortable with the platform features. Make sure you practice with the same technical set up (audio/visual setup and internet connection) that you will use when you deliver the presentation. Consider doing a soundcheck with headphones, an external microphone and your computer audio to ensure you have the best sound quality possible for your presentation.

4. Participation

Just as if you were doing an in-person presentation, craft your presentation to engage the audience. Incorporate chats, polls, raised hand features, etc. Try not to speak for more than ten minutes without some sort of audience engagement, or allow for a larger discussion portion at the end of your presentation. Asking a co-host or chair to check the chat and question functions can help keep you updated with new participants.

5. Prepare your Surroundings

As a presenter, it is essential that people can see you well. Make sure you have good front light, meaning the light shines brightly on your face as opposed to shining behind you. Natural light is always the best option if you can have this. Backgrounds are also important. Some platforms enable you to have virtual or blurred backgrounds, however if using these make sure your stay relatively still to avoid distractions. A background should enhance your professional image, not detract from it.

6. Get Close

You want the camera to frame your face, neck, and shoulders. People are drawn to faces, so you don't want to lose that connection be being too far away, but you also don't want your face to take over the whole screen. Practice makes perfect!

7. Be Standing

Even though your audience cannot see you, stand when you present. This allows you to stay focused and use good presentation delivery skills such as hand movements, vocal variety, and pausing.

8. Keep it interesting

Provide clear slides that are easy to digest without an overabundance of details and information on any one slide. The message you deliver must resonate well with the audience whom you are presenting the content.

9. Smile

Smiling at the camera and relaxing into your presentation will help your audience relax and engage better with your presentation. Having a professional but relaxed approach to your presentation will help to keep the audience engaged and on track with your presentation.

10. Be Yourself

Audiences connect best to authenticity, so be yourself! Let your personality show through and have fun. If you look like you're really enjoying the presentation so will others. Research shows that happy people retain information better than bored or disinterested people so model the energy you want to create as the audience will take its cue from you.

Presenting online can be really fun and a great way to interact with international audiences. Staying calm and focused can help you to deliver a professional and high quality presentation. Virtual presentations can be inclusive, engaging and sociable if you make the best use of all the features available to you.


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